Nichole for Kissimmee City Commission

Quality of life, public safety, and effective economic development.

Elect Nichole Wagoner de Arguello as your next Kissimmee City Commissioner.

Experience You Can Trust

MBA, former finance and HR Executive, PhD in Biblical Studies (c)

Innovative Solutions

Fought and won against development of golf course within city limits.

Passionate for Kissimmee

Proud to call Kissimmee home and dedicated to making it an even better place to live and work.

Quality of life

Quality of life is about priorities and philosophy. Nichole’s priority is clear. The residents of Kissimmee come first, not an institution, or outside interests. Her philosophy in decision making is, “how does this decision improve the lives of our residents.

Public Safety is the foundation of our trust in government

Nichole is dedicated to funding our police & fire departments to the levels necessary to keep the public safe, officers and firemen in fulfilling careers, and encourage our families to enjoy all of the amazing things Kissimmee has to offer.

Economic Development

Few cities in the country are as advantaged as Kissimmee. We have the greatest community, the greatest location, and the brightest future. It’s more important than ever to ensure our economic vision matches the potential of our great city.

Make a contribution to Nichole for Kissimmee City Commission, Seat 3

Your contribution will help us reach fellow city residents and make Kissimmee the best city it can be.

More than a decade of executive experience – Nichole is qualified to lead Kissimmee on the Commission.

Nichole’s experience in finance, human resources, contract management, and small business, make her uniquely qualified to serve in this capacity and help our Kissimmee City Commission grow in professionalism and quality for the community.

City’s Budget


City’s population


median income


median home value


At such an important juncture …

we need leaders with the experience to lead and passion for protecting Kissimmee’s families.

When the city prospers, we prosper …

Jeremiah 29:7

Contact Nichole with your priorities, concerns, or questions

Join our campaign and make a positive impact in our community by volunteering your time and skills.